Diet and Exercise 


for Better Health

Biblically inspired,   Budget conscious,   Basically ... anti-inflammatory

Seek better health! Benefit yourself, your family, your friends, and your community.

What are "GLAD diet and exercise C-U-R-E-S?"

GLAD refers to God's Literally Awesome Diet. It recognizes that in the beauty, order, precision and provision of God in creation there is an abundance of nutritious foods that work to promote and sustain us in better health. C-U-R-E-S as an acrostic is used in several ways to detail practical steps you can take in making choices about food and fitness that will help you to:

C – Combat chronic conditions

U – Utilize GLAD foods effectively

R – Reduce junk food cravings 

E – Enjoy exercise, and

S – Strategize for success.

All of this is based on the fact that our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that they benefit when biblical wisdom is applied to their everyday care. What's unfortunate in our fast-paced world is that God's wisdom for proper nourishment and care is too often overlooked, ignored or drowned out by competing interests. However, as rates for chronic disease, Type 2 Diabetes and obesity continue to soar, the need for godly wisdom to reverse these devastating trends is evident.

As a physical therapist, it breaks my heart to see the health difficulties so many people face because they lack helpful information and wisdom related to food and physical activity. Yet, I am also encouraged by people who have made positive changes in their diet and activity levels so that their medication needs and expenses end up being reduced.


Today, more than ever there is renewed interest in the value of healthy foods and the benefit of physical activity that God intended for our good. Unfortunately, there are still many people who mistakenly think that to eat healthy is too expensive, and/or they loathe the thought of participating in physical activity. It doesn't have to be that way. Learning to eat well and to engage in simple activities that you can do at home is an affordable and joyful endeavor that can make a big difference in an individual's overall health and well-being. 

The GLAD diet strategies and the C-U-R-E-S acrostic facilitate easy and effective learning about food and physical activity. A simple two-page C-U-R-E-S handout that I created outlines practical information that you'll use every day to make progress and get a better handle on your health.

If you seek counsel in the area of diet and/or exercise, or if your group is interested in having me present a CURES for Better Health educational event that is free of commercial bias or the sale of any product, please use the contact page on this website.

-Tim Erson, MS, PT

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.         Ephesians 2:10